Thursday, June 6, 2013

1. I gained information on how to deal professionally with people at the gallery show. It taught me how to carry on conversations with potential buyers.

2. To be successful in creating a portfolio, think about topics in advance to photograph. Don't spend too much time thinking. Usuallly if you just start taking pictures you will get one that you like and be able to expand on an idea from there.

3. Positive aspects of the class this year were learning to use photoshop better and the photos that I produced throughout the school year. I liked learning art techniques to apply to my photography.

4. Letting students read the instructions themselves and then helping them individually could be done differently next year. It wouold give us more time in class to work.

5. As an artist, I learned that I like working with light and color. I like taking experiences from my life and turning them into art.

6. I will apply the patience I learned this year to my future life. I will also be able to apply the art techniques I learned to any design work or art that I do in my future life.

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